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From Good to Great in Teamwork and Business: The Real MVPs of Entrepreneurship

The SaaS Guy

The Anatomy of a Stellar Team Member

It's simple, really. A good team member can spot the issues that crop up—like a keen-eyed navigator spotting rocks in the water. But the great team member? They're the ones steering the ship clear without even being asked. They're finding solutions, charting the course, and doing it with a kind of proactive magic. Remember, 'good' is the enemy of 'great'. In my world, you should only ever team up with the best. 🤝

Business Ventures: The Time-Tested Trial

Want the secret sauce to testing out a business idea? Here's the recipe: calculate what your biz should be raking in and mark that date in your calendar. If you're not hitting those figures by D-Day, it's time to pivot. Don't be the captain going down with the ship; know when to switch up your strategy. Don't pour years into something that just isn't meant to be. 🤷

The Power of a Tweet

Think AI will bulldoze online business? Think again. I know a guy—a regular dude—who pocketed a cool $10k by simply tweeting out his Stripe payment link. That's the power of connections. My own co-founder @oliver__b1 and I connected over Twitter DMs. Don't underestimate the human element; AI's got nothing on your network. 💪

To MVP or Not to MVP

I've seen it all. Teams who skip the MVP and sell from the get-go, bagging $40k in mere months. Then there are those who perfect their product in the shadows, only to emerge when they've hit their own idea of perfection. There's no universal playbook here. What works for one may not for another. Tune into your market and product—let them guide you. 💯

Fast Track to Success

@Oliver__b1 had a SaaS vision. Five days later, with my coding prowess, we went from concept to fully functional product. In 20 days, we were at $10k MRR. That's the thrill of working with high-caliber talent—it's like business on steroids. 🥷

Entrepreneurial Myths: Busted

Someone pitches you the "next big thing," already armed with a domain and an LLC? Red flag. Here's my playbook:

  1. Whip up a landing page.

  2. Drive traffic.

  3. Make sales.

  4. Upgrade your product.

Then, and only then, do you flex on Instagram with your new company profile.

One Hire Away from a Breakthrough

It's no myth: a single, strategic hire can catapult your business into the stratosphere. I've lived it—my SaaS leaped from $0 to $10k MRR in one month after I partnered with the right person. If you're a technical wizard, pair up with a marketing mogul, and watch the magic happen. It's all about turning your weak spots into launchpads. 🚀

Networking: Digging for Gold

Twitter, LinkedIn, goldmines for networking? Absolutely. But when it comes to finding your business soulmate, @YCombinator is the matchmaker supreme. Get out there and find your entrepreneurial other half. 🤝

Doubling Down on MRR

Why did StudyBuddy's MRR jump from $10k to $20k in months? We listened. We improved. Customer feedback pointed to UX issues; we made our platform crystal clear. Result? Churn rates plummeted, MRR doubled. Prioritize product improvement—always. 💯

Announcing: The SaaS Review Service

After working with 20+ SaaS companies and reviewing 50+ landing pages, I'm bringing my expertise to you. Introducing my SaaS review service—a conversion-boosting powerhouse. And for my Twitter family, a special price. Only $98 for the first 10 people. Check it out at thesaasguy.com.

I’ve also recently started posting to LinkedIn, connect with me there too!